Monday 25 October 2010

Characters Names & Film Title

Characters Names
A characters name can reveal a lot about their persona and so it is vital that I select appropriate names that are suitable of the era and representative of the characters personalities.

Potential Names for the Protagonist:
Rose, Rosaline, Rosalie

I have chosen to name my main character Evelyn as it has a lady-like, feminine gentleness to it, but it also contains an essence of strength with its inclusion of the letter ‘V’.

The Ghost of the Girl:
Robin White
I am very fond of the name Robin for its obvious connotations with birds and associations with the concept of freedom. It fits the narrative as the protagonist must solve the solution of the ghosts traumatic past and set her spirit free. I like how the name contradicts this character in the beginning, as at first she is seen to be this evil spirit tormenting Evelyn. As the narrative progresses we learn more about the ghost and that her personality resembles that of a sweet, chirpy, beautiful little bird.

The surname was chosen simply because it represents the innocence and purity of her character. The colour white also has connotations with religion.

Potential Names for the Antagonist:

I have chosen to call this character Vincent, because the name contains a darkness to it, which reflects his sinister character. Yet, it also has a slight and subtle softness to it, which portrays a weakness to him. 

The Film Title
Finding a name for my film required a lot of thought and consideration. Initially I wanted to find a name that reflected the idea of facing your fears, fighting your demons; something that indicates a journey or the process of self discovery or self healing because it simply hints towards the narrative. As my ideas developed, I thought that I needed something that portrayed the supernatural horror genre.

Firstly I considered producing a film title that relates to a haunted house or an eerie street name as it is conventional of the sub genre, For example “Amityville Horror”, “Last House on the Left”, “The House on Haunted Hill”, “Elm Street” and so on. However I felt this root was too obvious and wouldn’t truly represent the narrative as the focus isn’t on the location.

I then thought about associating the film name with some kind of encounter with evil, to give it more of a supernatural-horror kick. Then again, the film is not a story about evil; the narrative is centred on the concept of some kind of penance or absolution for the protagonist. Instead of including the protagonist’s name in the film title, I also considered using the name of the ghost girl or maybe even the protagonist the antagonist. 

Examples of potential titles:

Involving the protagonist:
- Evelyn’s Revelation
- The Affliction of Evelyn
- The Apparition of Evelyn
- Evelyn’s Ghosts

Involving the ghost:
- The Apparition of Robin White
- The Haunting of Robin White

Involving the Antagonist:
- The Conviction of Vincent Webb

I have decided to name my film, 'The Affliction of Evelyn' because the word 'affliction' refers to pain and harm, which is what each of my characters experience within the narrative. 
It also reflects the supernatural horror genre with it's association with pain and suffering. It's an old fashioned word that is rarely used today and so it fits in with the 1940's era and the language in which they used. Also having the characters name as part of the title also reflects the 1940's theme, as it is an old name (popular for new born girls in the 1920's!) Over all I find the title enchanting, endearing and classically sophisticated, not only will it compliment the image of my main character but it's informative as to the genre, the narrative and the theme. I could not be happier with my choice of title!

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