Tuesday 28 December 2010

Post Production Results: Front Cover

The Magazine Front Cover

For the magazine front cover, I interviewed nine people. The majority of which were ofcourse male, yet I wanted a female opinion also, and so I included two females in the interview. Some of the people questioned were media studies students; their opinion was important to me in that they can answer the questions in a more technical fashion. I also questioned those with a background in media, so they have a basic understanding. I also questioned those with no experience in the subject at all, this way I can avoid any bias answers and recieve the perspective of simply a fan of film.
Here, I will state what questions were asked, whilst presenting examples of answers.

Looking at the front cover, would you say its overall appearance looks professional?

" I could easily mistake it for one you'd see on the shelves! I like the simple and clean layout as well as the minimalism within the choice of colours." 

"It bears resembelence to popular film magazines out there now which makes it look professional."

"Yes it has a proffesional appearance, with the simple layout and use of colours holding a resemblance to film magazines which can be found in store."

"You have clearly followed the codes and conventions of existing film magazines and this allows the front cover to look professional and authentic."

Would you say that this front cover is aimed at a male target audience?

"The mode of address would appeal to a male target audience by featuring females and using the sell line 'The Foxiest Females'. The other types of films that can be seen on the front cover such as 'Jackass 3D' and 'Of Gods and Men' reflect a male target audience. There isn't too much text filling up the page, which is another sign that hints towards a male publication, as men tend to avoid text heavy pieces (they prefer to be informed of things visually). Which brings me to my next point, perhaps you could have used more images, in order to further entice the male audience and to fully address your intended audience."

"It is clear to me that this magazine is aimed at a male target audience as it features interviews with mainly males and is promoting films that are aimed at men."

"I can tell that the audience you are aiming your magazine at are male through the uses of sell-lines and featuring an attractive woman on the front cover, however, I do feel that the main sell-line is slightly too feminine. The pink, italic script font is slightly off-putting."

"The films and actors mentioned would suggest that it is aimed at a male target audien...ce. This is also supported by the simple layout and bold colours which are used."

"This magazine is obviously aimed at a male who is interested in film, because there are interviews inside with mainly males who are associated with the movie industry. Also, the film reviews include mainly films that appeal to males."

What genre of magazine would you say this is and why?

"The magazine is clearly a film magazine, from the content mentioned."

"It's clearly a publication that celebrates movies, due to the inclusion of films listed and actors/ directors."

What does the magazine name "Playhouse" tell you about the magazine and does it appeal to you?

"The name is an alternative word for 'cinema' and it also contains sexual elements. Therefore I believe the title itself is informative that it's genre focuses on film and that it's aimed at male readers."

"The name entices me because it sounds naughty and quite playful!"

"The name playhouse would suggest a more fun take to film, there are also sexual connotations which I personally find very appealing. The name alone, makes me want to read the magazine!"

"The name informs me that this is a publication about film. I like how you've integrated a sexual nature into the magazine name, in order to entice male readers."

Are the sell-lines informative? Does the content appeal to you?

"Yes, they inform the readers what they can sepcifically expect to find inside the magazine."

"The sell-lines are informitive and clearly inform the reader of what they will expect to find inside the magazine. The sell-lines also reinforce that it is a film magazine. The big names which are mentioned would help attract the readers interest. The sell-line "Screen-Sirens" would also be affective in bringing in the male readership."

Do you think the Masthead and Sell-lines are effective?

"I love the masthead. It stands out to me the most and draws me in as it is different and interesting. The style of font used for the masthead looks old-fashioned which is inkeeping with the theme of the film (considering the model is dressed in 1940's attire and the main sell-line includes the words "forties glamour")."

"The mast head reminds me of the opening sequence of 'Agatha Christies Poirot' giving a slightly 'Art Deco' feel to the magazine; this certainly has a strong effect on me. I also think the sell-lines are effective in that they appeal to and will attract men."

"The mast head would draw me in, as the font used has a classic film vibe to it. The sell-lines are simple, and this helps to engage the male readership."

"The masthead and sell-lines stand out against the plain, white background. They catch my attention and draw me in."

 Do you think the image has a professional or amateur look about it?

"The image definately looks professional as the quality of the image is high. The elements of mise-en-scene are stunning!"

"The pose of the actress and the facial expression of the actress help give the image a proffesional appearance. The positioning of the image on the page gives it a proffesional appearance in terms of a magazine cover."

 Looking at the image, what film would you say is being promoted?

"I would say it's perhaps it's a murder mystery set in the 1920's/ 30's period."

"Perhaps it's set in the 1960's, including some kind of murder plot."

"The sell-line and image tell me that it is a classic movie probably based in old classic england, like agathe christie sort of theme. From looking at the image i would say it is in the genre of a classic horror; most likely gothic."

What areas of the front cover most appeal to you?

"The mast head, with its resemblence to classic film font. Also the layout as a whole appeals, as it clearly informs the audience of what they will receive from the magazine."

"I would say that the image and main sell-line are most effective because they stand out the most and give a very strong indication as to what the film is about."

"The film that it is featuring draws me in the most as the image doesn’t give away much detail, making me want to know more about the film and the character that ‘Val’ plays."

In what areas do you think I could have improved?

"I think that the script font seems slightly feminine for a male targeted magazine."

"The sell-line relating to "forties galmour" wouldn't really appeal to a male audience, and they would probally not wish to read an actresses opinions on it. Also the font used for "Val Vixon" may not appeal to a male audience."

Do you think I have accurately followed the codes and conventions of a magazine?

"Yes it follows the codes and conventions of a magazine, and it also fits the conventions relating to a magazine for a male audience."

"Yes because they all appeal in a way that makes the reader want to buy it and something that they would enjoy as well."

What Have I learnt from this?

According to those who were interviewed, I have clearly achieved an authentic and professional looking front cover. This is due to the combination of minimalism and sophistication integrated within a tidy, uncluttered layout. As well as the content and organisation of the Masthead and sell-lines and the quality of the image. I have clearly followed the correct codes and conventions for magazines, yet my audience understood my need to be original with my ideas.
The content of the sell-lines clearly attract a male target audience, yet the readers were slightly repelled by the use of a feminine font and colour within the main sell-line. I have also successfully established the genre of the magazine due to the content of the sell-lines.
One of the things I am most pleased about is that my audiences were very much attracted to the title of the magazine. They're thoughts and opinions towards the mastheads were my exact intentions! From looking at the image, the style font used for the masthead and reading the main-sell line my audience were able to gain some kind of idea of what the film was about. 
Over all, I believe my audiences found my front cover to be successful in that it targets the correct audiences, is informative of it's genre/ film being promoted and looks professional. 

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