Tuesday 4 January 2011

Post Production Results: Film Poster and Film Trailer

This post shows ten questions that I asked members of my target audience, asking for their thoughts and views on the the film poster and trailer. I have selected the answers that I felt were most useful to me, that were both satisfying and rewarding, as well as constructively critical, helping me to form a liberal perspective on the development and final product of my project.

Film Poster Feedback

‎1. What genre of film would you say this is? why?
"I would say it's a Psychological/Supernatural film that's set in a by-gone era, perhaps the war-time period. This is because of the Mise en scene elements that have been used, i.e. the fur scarf which suggests to me an old fashioned era. Also, there is a tinge of yellow used on the poster which again gives a feeling of an old sepia photograph, this is an effect you often see with period films. The psychological genre stepped out to me as I feel the expression on the actresses face looks somewhat disturbed. She looks shocked and scared which automatically stands out to me as a some kind of horror."

2. What would you say the storyline is about?
"From simply looking at the poster, it's difficult to tell exactly what the film is about. This builds up mystery and intrigue, urging me to want to see the film. I think that the tag line gives away the fact that this is a film about this woman creating a plot to seek revenge on someone or something."

3. Do you think the image has a professional or an amateur look about it? 
"Professional, it looks sophisticated and it follows all the conventions of a film poster, with the image dominating the page, the title and tag line being present and so on."

"All elements of mise-en-scene are just perfect!"

4. What do the uses of color tell you about the film?

"The red lips signal the 1940's style trend, so that helps give me an idea of the date in which it is set."
"The overall uses of colour compliment one another, the tones are gentle and light, and resemble that of an old photograph, or a pin-up of a 1930's/1940's beauty."

5. Do you think I have chosen a suitable model to star in and promote my film? Why?

"Yes, she has the acquired look that anyone would need to have when creating a film from a previous era. She looks elegant and glamorous but also vulnerable, which is what most victims should look like when appearing in a horror film."

"This model embodies the classic beautiful look, she's perfect for the part! With her long loose curls, high cheekbones and plump, full pout!"

6. Do you think I could have made any improvements with this image?

"No, I think that the image is perfect."

7. Does the tagline spark a further interest in the film and persuade you to want to see it?

"Definitely, it’s enticing and exciting and doesn’t give away a great deal which makes me want to find out more."

8. Do you think the use of colours/ fonts for the text are effective in standing out? 

"Yes, less is more. The use of simple colors allow us to focus more on the image but with the text still catching our eye due to the positioning and size."

9. Would you say I have followed the codes and conventions of film posters?

"you have included a main image, a tagline and a film title, you have successfully followed the codes and conventions of a film poster."

10. Does this poster persuade you to want to see the film?
"Yes, it is a very effective poster in that it grabs my attention and draws me in, well done."

The Film Trailer

‎1. By watching the trailer, what genre of film would you say this is?
"Taking into account the fact that it's set in the 1940's, I would say it's a period drama. In the trailer, you also see clips of the film that contained a ghostly nature, what with the little girl in white, dancing across the garden, it looked quite spooky. So, overall, perhaps it is a period drama mixed in with a ghost story."

"I would say the genre of this film is supernatural/ psychological thriller meets period drama"

"It's obviously a period drama because you're told through the straplines that it's set during wartime, and it has this vintage/retro look about it."

2. What would you say that the straplines (pieces of text inbetween film clips) were informative as to what the film is about?
"The straps were very informative and successfully guided and directed my understanding of the narrative."

"The strap-lines aided my understanding of the storyline indeed. They were informative, without giving too much away."

3. Do you think the use of camera/ editing/ lighting, elements of mise-en-scene were successful? Did the piece look authentic and professional or not? 
"I really enjoyed the uses of camera angles and shots and the elements of mise-en-scene were constructed beautifully. For example, the opening scene, showing a medium shot of Evelyn looking up towards the house is just stunning. I loved the use of lighting at the very beginning, where the camera pans through the trees following the specks of sunlight. However, the editing might have let you down a bit, it's not as extravagant as the use of camera, lighting and mise-en-scene. Overall, I thought in parts the piece did look authentic and extremely representative of the time period in which it was set."

"My favourite aspect was definitely the mise-en-scene! The costumes, props, settings and locations were just perfect and true to the era! Well done!"

4. Do you think I have chosen a suitable actors to star in my film trailer?
"Yes! The look of Evelyn was just perfect in that she maintained an air of glamour, sophistication (which is representative of women during the 40's era) as well as that of vulnerability, which ofcourse is conventional of a horror movie character. Also, she has the right look, a classic beauty!
The gardener/ murderer looked so evil and sinister and you did a great job styling! Complete and utter transformation"

"This model embodies the classic beautiful look, she's perfect for the part! With her long loose curls, high cheekbones and plump, full pout!"

5. Which parts of the trailer do you feel were most successful?
"The use of music was so successful in informing us that this isn't just a period drama, but one with a supernatural twist. The soundtrack selected was brilliant! And quite unnerving too. I also think the use of mise-en-scene was particularly good, you made everything look very authentic and styled it very well."

6. Name the areas that you believe I could have improved on:

"Perhaps a bit of dialogue and sound other than music would have been nice!"

"The structure of the trailer is a little loose towards the end, in order to excite audiences more, you could have included a fast pace montage of clips."

7. Does this trailer persuade you to want to see the film?
"Yes, it is a very effective in that it grabs my attention. teases me and makes me want to watch!"

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